How To Get A Broken Key Out Of A Lock: 4 Steps

When your key breaks off in your lock with that belly-curdling snap, emotions of dread and helplessness descend over the scene. When that happens, how can you get the key out of the lock? On the internet, you’ll locate some methods that work and some that don’t.  

Why Do Keys Break In Locks

There are a few troubles that can purpose this problem.

  • Standard keys are made of enormously gentle metals, like brass and nickel.
  • The key has been broken by using put on and tear over time.
  • The lock itself is no longer safely lubricated or has jammed.

How To Get a Broken Key Out Of A Lock

Take The Lock Apart

Still, often the easiest and quickest thing to do is take piecemeal the lock to expose the back side of the cylinder If your home has Schlage door tackle( and some other brands). The aft side of the cylinder will have holes that you can poke into to push the key out. To pierce the key cylinder, take the key off the door. Look at the piece that you typically slide the key into( the cylinder) from the aft side. Do you see a hole? In numerous cases you can just fit a paper clip, or other small rod, into the reverse of this cylinder through that hole to push out the broken key.

Occasionally you have to remove the c- clip( or nut) on the reverse of the key to getting to the access hole. If you’re not comfortable with doing that just take it to an original locksmith and they will disassemble and assemble it for you.

Using A Key Extractor To Remove A Broken Key

To use, fit the key extractor along the edge of the abbreviated side of the key. Be careful not to push the key further into the key. You’ll be trying to push the extractor along the very top edge to push the legs over and out of the way so the extractor slides in. Twist the extractor and gently pull out. This can take several attempts as you’re trying to produce enough disunion to pull the key out.

Another type of key extractor is the hook extractor. With the hook extractor you’re trying to hook the first cut of the broken key and pull the key out. fit the hook extractor along the abbreviated side of the key and push back until just beyond the first cut. Also, pull. There are several different types and affordable key extractor sets on eBay if you’re not in a hurry.

Try Needle Nose Pliers To Remove The Key

If some cases the key may not be pushed all the way into the key and there may be just enough of it sticking out that you can snare it with a brace of needle nose pliers. Tweezers can also work and perhaps even better since they’re very thin. Just try whichever you have on hand. Be careful not to push the key in further. You’ll either have enough key sticking out to snare the broken edge or you won’t, but either way, you’ll know snappily which is the case.

Using A Small Jigsaw Blade Or Paper Clip

This system to remove a key is very analogous to the key extraction tool system over. But you’re not a locksmith so what are the odds you have a key extraction tool lying around? Well, this is the “try anything” approach using whatever similar small bumpy, rounded object you have available to you.

Some paper clips have grooved edges and can work in a pinch as a helical extractor if there’s room in the key cylinder to get them in. There are also a number of very small jigsaw blades that will work like a hook extractor. I bought a pumpkin sculpturing set at Halloween that had a very good small jigsaw in it that I now keep in my toolbox.

How To Prevent Broken Keys

Lock Lubrication

Frequently, keys snap inside of keys because the key hasn’t entered proper maintenance. A silicone-based lubricant should be scattered into the keyhole about every six months, or whenever you notice grinding or redundant disunion when locking the door.

Replacement Keys

Keys are subject to a lot of abuse and are used very constantly. So, if you notice that your keys are starting to wear, it’s time to have a copy made and toss out the old one.

When Part Of The Key Isnt Sticking Out Of The Lock

Still, the chances of you being suitable to remove it yourself are slim – especially if you don’t want to damage the key in the process, If no part of the key is sticking out of the key.

It may be possible to use a flathead screwdriver small enough to fit into the keyhole. By fitting it in the key, you can try to switch or loosen the positioning of the key until part of it extrudes from the key. At that point, you should be suitable to extract the broken piece with needle nose pliers or a strong attraction.

Again, it’s possible to cause further key damage by forcing tools into the key. It may be better to call in the help of a professional locksmith.

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